In order to take full advantage of this possibility, the COD has to be downloaded from the website and installed using CSpot build-in installation tools. Indexing TEM Kikuchi diffraction patterns using CSpotĬSpot has the ability to work with the Crystallography Open Database. Indexing TEM spot diffraction patterns using CSpot (followed by manual detection of diffraction reflection positions) Indexing TEM spot diffraction patterns using CSpot (template matching) Example of spot (a), Kikuchi (b) and ring (polycrystalline) (c) electron diffraction pattern The demo version of the software can be downloaded hereįigure 2. CSpot is mainly dedicated to be a laboratory tool helping in the analysis and interpretation of data. The data produced by CSpot can be saved in a form of bitmaps or reports (Word files). The program contains build-in crystallographic calculators providing additional abilities in the analysis of diffraction patterns. It’s main feature is the ability to perform automatic indexing and determination of crystal lattice orientation. The program allows for manipulation of simulated diffraction patterns in real-time and in an interactive manner by changing and visualizing crystal orientation and adjusting simulation parameters (e.g., microscope operating conditions). This gives SAED a spatial resolution up to several hundred times greater than X-ray diffraction techniques.CSpot is a computer program for simulation, indexing and analysis of three types of electron diffraction patters: spot, Kikuchi and ring (polycrystalline). Selected Area Electron Diffraction (SAED) collects the electrons scattered from a specific region, targeted with nanoscale precision using a specialized aperture inserted in the electron beam’s path before it reaches the sample. The interactions of the electrons (as waves) in the transmitted beam create an electron diffraction pattern, which can be used to measure lattice parameters, identify crystalline phase, and even interpolate the crystal structure and orientation of the target area of the sample. At this scale, atoms in the solid sample act as a diffraction grating, scattering the beam electrons at angles corresponding to the crystalline structure of the illuminated region of the sample. By using Diffraction mode, the high-energy electrons in the beam are treated as waves, with wavelengths on the order of 1 / 1000 th of a nanometer. In transmission electron microscopy (TEM), a beam of accelerated electrons is transmitted through a selected region of an electron-transparent sample. Figure 11.11 shows the selected area electron diffraction (SAED) pattern of PVDF and 2 MNP and HR-TEM photomicrographs of different PVDF/Fe3O4 nanocomposites.